Order of days
On the back of the Time Temple Compass Deck week cards are cues as to how we order our weeks with the first day of the New year.
Faith means that of the God within you.
Focus is on meaning.
Fate is for the awareness that reality will reflect this meditation.
Fixed is for the Holy Spirit being around you as an aspect of God which of which you also are a part: so your reality is on tramlines and in good hands; if you allow it.
Fun is your reaction to being taken off your normal path; because if you hold on to meaning, that meaning will be revealed more: it's a no loss system if you can transform.
And that point of transformation is the induction of serendipity:
and induction of serendipity so leads to exaltation.
7 divisions for each card of time in the Time Temple Compass Deck
Return to your appropriate week unless you are looking for the spatial path that aligns with Week 8, in the EbN, then you are in the right place exactly: continue scrolling down.
Faith means that of the God within you.
Focus is on meaning.
Fate is for the awareness that reality will reflect this meditation.
Fixed is for the Holy Spirit being around you as an aspect of God which of which you also are a part: so your reality is on tramlines and in good hands; if you allow it.
Fun is your reaction to being taken off your normal path; because if you hold on to meaning, that meaning will be revealed more: it's a no loss system if you can transform.
And that point of transformation is the induction of serendipity:
and induction of serendipity so leads to exaltation.
7 divisions for each card of time in the Time Temple Compass Deck
Return to your appropriate week unless you are looking for the spatial path that aligns with Week 8, in the EbN, then you are in the right place exactly: continue scrolling down.
FOR THE FIRST SET OF PATHS THAT STARTS WITH SECRET FIRE GO All the way DOWN THE PAGE TO THE BLACK BACKGROUND For week eight of Time Temple Compass continue directly below
THere is no "MAD" watermark on the actual decks
This card is still with the second set of paths. Go below to the black for Secret Fire.
The aether of LIT is the aether of the big picture: the power of peace to have victory over war and death. This aether goes with our Malkuth which we assign to our Queen of Hearts; as will be our more corporeal manifestation of RLTH Lady of Heaven.
RLTH is the Lady of Heaven with the Sun and Moon as the same size at her feet in Revelations, for she is the Earth.
Malkuth is the Kingdom of God and the beginning, combining the superior mother of compassionate understanding with the inferior mother of form.
This combination between the superior and inferior is as it should be; because RLTH, who I am using for this card, is the superior mother of compassionate understanding and inferior form: as the Woman of Earth who is the Lady of Heaven with her feet upon the Sun and the Moon.
She shows me a high aether of the unity of being. And is this high aether is the patience, to know that despite all, in time it will be right.
My closest friends died. The most important people to me are afflicted. Where is the justice? In time, from this position and aether: it all comes together in a meaningful tapestry; no matter how harsh it looks from the ground level.
RLTH shows me this hope. She is the patience of the saints. The struggle is great; but so is the reward. There is a ladder to understanding made by scars, as Henry Rollins says.
We are gaining all-consciousness through our trials. We are knowing all things and becoming one with God. And in time pain will make sense: because there is no true knowledge without it.
I was off path, spiritually, at one point. I did some good work among some shady characters who were worse off than myself. However, I was still in rebellion to my true path.
I wore a cross necklace at this point; mostly because I was a big dude traveling around at night, often, and I wanted an immediate visual cue that I followed an ethic: to put others at ease.
I have learned, despite the fetishization of the cross: it is not such a holy symbol in heaven. Christ is holy: but his instrument of torture is not considered to be so much of one.
Like Jonah, I had circumstances upend to put me in the right position. And since then I learned of the different perspective about the cross in heaven through dreams: so I stopped wearing it. This cross I hung up in the EbN. It reminds me of the patience of the Earth that waits for me to find my path. And that even the wrong path will lead to the right place.
The cross symbolizes the biggest of trials and the triumph over it: through God. So its fetishization is understandable even if it’s not shared on every plane. Put something in the EbN that reminds you of the patience that it has taken to see you through your path.
The aether of LIT is the aether of the big picture: the power of peace to have victory over war and death. This aether goes with our Malkuth which we assign to our Queen of Hearts; as will be our more corporeal manifestation of RLTH Lady of Heaven.
RLTH is the Lady of Heaven with the Sun and Moon as the same size at her feet in Revelations, for she is the Earth.
Malkuth is the Kingdom of God and the beginning, combining the superior mother of compassionate understanding with the inferior mother of form.
This combination between the superior and inferior is as it should be; because RLTH, who I am using for this card, is the superior mother of compassionate understanding and inferior form: as the Woman of Earth who is the Lady of Heaven with her feet upon the Sun and the Moon.
She shows me a high aether of the unity of being. And is this high aether is the patience, to know that despite all, in time it will be right.
My closest friends died. The most important people to me are afflicted. Where is the justice? In time, from this position and aether: it all comes together in a meaningful tapestry; no matter how harsh it looks from the ground level.
RLTH shows me this hope. She is the patience of the saints. The struggle is great; but so is the reward. There is a ladder to understanding made by scars, as Henry Rollins says.
We are gaining all-consciousness through our trials. We are knowing all things and becoming one with God. And in time pain will make sense: because there is no true knowledge without it.
I was off path, spiritually, at one point. I did some good work among some shady characters who were worse off than myself. However, I was still in rebellion to my true path.
I wore a cross necklace at this point; mostly because I was a big dude traveling around at night, often, and I wanted an immediate visual cue that I followed an ethic: to put others at ease.
I have learned, despite the fetishization of the cross: it is not such a holy symbol in heaven. Christ is holy: but his instrument of torture is not considered to be so much of one.
Like Jonah, I had circumstances upend to put me in the right position. And since then I learned of the different perspective about the cross in heaven through dreams: so I stopped wearing it. This cross I hung up in the EbN. It reminds me of the patience of the Earth that waits for me to find my path. And that even the wrong path will lead to the right place.
The cross symbolizes the biggest of trials and the triumph over it: through God. So its fetishization is understandable even if it’s not shared on every plane. Put something in the EbN that reminds you of the patience that it has taken to see you through your path.
FOr the first set of Alchemical paths Scroll Down to secret Fire
This is my HGA MRKBH Adept Version
I am depicting basic form before they are uploaded as proper cards with rounded corners.
I am depicting basic form before they are uploaded as proper cards with rounded corners.
The Enochian TAL looks like a cursive E and stands for M. With a carrot on the center line that M becomes an Om called a TEL. When the TEL is placed under an angel name it means that angel rules the plane, in this case it is a silent TTL, considered to apply to every letter.
QE is for quintessence.
The quintessential step is the first; which goes with the spirit of Earth.
QE is for quintessence.
The quintessential step is the first; which goes with the spirit of Earth.
The first step of the Tree of Life as Quintessence is broken up into five parts over five days.
T☸🜨Secret Fire: 🜀 Malkuth. This is the four basic elements and the quintessence taking one day for each question or excercise. The Earth orb behind your lower back on the MRKBH (star tetrahedron). This is also Malkuth, the Tenth Sephira on Tree of Life. Secret fire is the quintessence: God’s emanation before manifestation; the unmoved mover; the unknown force that forms. Y H Sh U H represents the five elements as the Pentagrammaton through which this quintessence can be witnessed.
♖🜂 Plasma Kingdom י Yod. Day One. Fire consumes. Follow what feeds your energy into effortless action.
♖🜄 Liquid Kingdom הּ Heh. Day Two. Water represents emotions.
Today meditate on your feelings; let them guide you.
♖☸ Spirit Kingdom ש Shin. Day Three. Spirit comes through the container of the mind. Hold the MRKBH in your mind: one point before your chest, another at your lower back.
♖🜁 Vapor Kingdom ן Vau. Day Four. The airy humor is joy. Maintain presence and choose joy.
♖🜃 Kingdom of Forms: ה Heh. Day Five. In the Earth is a great power to stand separate from all the decided frequencies of the universe and independently choose. Feel your presence as a physical being.
♖🜂 Plasma Kingdom י Yod. Day One. Fire consumes. Follow what feeds your energy into effortless action.
♖🜄 Liquid Kingdom הּ Heh. Day Two. Water represents emotions.
Today meditate on your feelings; let them guide you.
♖☸ Spirit Kingdom ש Shin. Day Three. Spirit comes through the container of the mind. Hold the MRKBH in your mind: one point before your chest, another at your lower back.
♖🜁 Vapor Kingdom ן Vau. Day Four. The airy humor is joy. Maintain presence and choose joy.
♖🜃 Kingdom of Forms: ה Heh. Day Five. In the Earth is a great power to stand separate from all the decided frequencies of the universe and independently choose. Feel your presence as a physical being.
Dharma chakra at the base of the Tree of Life is for spirit. The R is for the Right side view of the Star Tetrahedron MRKBH. The Earth Orb goes behind your lower back.
Below is the Maddox illustrated Madking's ALchemical Deck
The hero finds the Secret Fire with the introduction to Holy Guardian Angel.