to Aethers move in cycles; the top of the set of aethers is the segway to beginning on another plane with TEX. TEX is the divine pattern.
Here we have DNEL with the major arcana of the Qoph Path which is known as The Moon trump.
This Pisces path, the house of the Moon trump, also stands for alchemical perfection for the philosophical projection of the stone that makes gold.
Go to the East and put the perfect moments that made that alchemical gold. The Enochian Genetic Chess set was something that came to me all at once, along with numerous seals that I made of clay: inside the set that I created.
I do not follow religion. But the Moonie text Divine Principle has an inspired icon that spelled out to me how the star tetrahedron works with the Enochian Watchtowers and the Temple of God. This book also helped spell out some key ideas about the nature of good foundations.
I also have, here in the East, a star map by degree where all the symbols in dreams spilled out in revelation upon the star shapes.
DNEL showed me such a revelation with the way he uses the star tetrahedron: balancing the masculine mission of the self with the collective unity of God, which is feminine, around you. In Hebrew, the terms for God are both masculine singular and feminine plural.
The East is for the sparks that catch fire.
Below in Hermetic Sundial and Projection with the first set of paths to get to your Holy guardian Angel:
Here we have DNEL with the major arcana of the Qoph Path which is known as The Moon trump.
This Pisces path, the house of the Moon trump, also stands for alchemical perfection for the philosophical projection of the stone that makes gold.
Go to the East and put the perfect moments that made that alchemical gold. The Enochian Genetic Chess set was something that came to me all at once, along with numerous seals that I made of clay: inside the set that I created.
I do not follow religion. But the Moonie text Divine Principle has an inspired icon that spelled out to me how the star tetrahedron works with the Enochian Watchtowers and the Temple of God. This book also helped spell out some key ideas about the nature of good foundations.
I also have, here in the East, a star map by degree where all the symbols in dreams spilled out in revelation upon the star shapes.
DNEL showed me such a revelation with the way he uses the star tetrahedron: balancing the masculine mission of the self with the collective unity of God, which is feminine, around you. In Hebrew, the terms for God are both masculine singular and feminine plural.
The East is for the sparks that catch fire.
Below in Hermetic Sundial and Projection with the first set of paths to get to your Holy guardian Angel:
The HGA MRKBH Adept Version:
♓ק⚳: The Pisces symbol for projection also suggests the union of opposites, as the fish in the sky go in separate directions. Alchemically, Projection is the addition of the transmutational element that will get you your Philosopher's Stone.Qoph symbolizes the back of the head, where you start to transcend common material awareness while not leaving it. It is best to engage your immediate surroundings in some sort of sacred motif: like a labyrinth of symbols in your yard; or lighting candles and reciting poetry etc. Similar to the Piscean motif is that of the Mother Earth Archetype Ceres ⚳ of Agriculture, the Mother of the Seasons. Were the horizontal line to stop when it touches the curves of the Pisces symbol )-(, then you have the symbol for the waxing and waning Moon. Alchemically, the Pisces symbol stands for the ultimate transformation into gold called projection. An example of philosophical projection needs to be ascertained before it can be attained; and that example happens by creating sacred space for spiritual download. For the next five days focus on adding time and space for a magic moment.
The B is for the Back of the MRKBH.
Madkings's alchemical deck version
19. The Hermetic Sundial; Projection. Qoph Path on Tree of Life. Back Half of Path Between Man and Bride on the MRKBH. Gnoma is Greek for Clue. Gnomon is Greek for Sundial. And the real Sundial revealed clues towards the mysteries of all things, in stone. So it is no wonder the French word gnome, as the Elementals of the Rocks, follows suit. A well made Hermetic Sundial is no joke. Usually some complex shape like an icosahedron with a labyrinth of carvings on each side revealing different truths with the interplay of shadow. The Hermetic Sundial was another type of Stone of the Philosophers. The Moon Trump which goes with the Pisces Symbol in the Tarot is also a pretty good sundial. When it’s full the Moon opposes the Sun in the opposite house. When you have that down you can pretty much look at the Moon and align the houses which are dodecants of the sky. For days seventy nine through eight three create a sacred time and space.