PAZ515 is the aether of the rhythm of divine peace to accept a higher dimension; which means a division against the lesser realms of war. PAZ goes with our Seven of Spades.
PAZ is the aether of the rhythm of divine peace to accept a higher dimension; which means a division against the lesser realms of war.
Really division is what the aether POP mans where you divide from your assumptions of the past to see a vision of the future. POP is a reflection of PAZ the Aether of Duality where you see that which is dual and that which is one: and there is really only one way to go: which is just steeped in irony. Caling this aether Duality which is what PAZ means is like saying there are two people: those who see everything in binary choices and those who do not.
The next path of Kether, the Crown is our key North East point, where we will put our most inspiring book with the least consequences. Or the most oneness with the least duality.
I am, for instance, most inspired by the Bible. Reading it turned on the DNA of my ancestors. However, it definitely had consequences: as I was transported into another world with it. Must read: but a powerful grimoire, if treated seriously.
The Most Holy Trinosophia by St. Germain: my second favorite book.
If you pray for its revelation the book is like taking acid and going to the planetarium.
In the same fashion as the Bible, it is so revelatory that you will cross into other planes of being quite without meaning to do so.
My third favorite book I put in the Northeast: Fulcanelli’s Dwellings of the Philosophers. This is full of revelation; but it's all presented in simple linguistic, symbol algebra. No giant pendulum swings of revelation came out of this book: I just learned to see deeper.
The third is the goldilocks, pleasant crown experience. The kind we seek to emulate in our transformation: deeper, balanced revelation.
In the card we have TORZOXI, who belongs to POP, but reflects this higher notion of PAZ being the balanced wake up call to a higher oneness with God, with light around her feet; taking in the revelatory tome.
Put the book that best represents balanced awakening in the Northeast.
The alchemical paths continue below with The Bat:
PAZ is the aether of the rhythm of divine peace to accept a higher dimension; which means a division against the lesser realms of war.
Really division is what the aether POP mans where you divide from your assumptions of the past to see a vision of the future. POP is a reflection of PAZ the Aether of Duality where you see that which is dual and that which is one: and there is really only one way to go: which is just steeped in irony. Caling this aether Duality which is what PAZ means is like saying there are two people: those who see everything in binary choices and those who do not.
The next path of Kether, the Crown is our key North East point, where we will put our most inspiring book with the least consequences. Or the most oneness with the least duality.
I am, for instance, most inspired by the Bible. Reading it turned on the DNA of my ancestors. However, it definitely had consequences: as I was transported into another world with it. Must read: but a powerful grimoire, if treated seriously.
The Most Holy Trinosophia by St. Germain: my second favorite book.
If you pray for its revelation the book is like taking acid and going to the planetarium.
In the same fashion as the Bible, it is so revelatory that you will cross into other planes of being quite without meaning to do so.
My third favorite book I put in the Northeast: Fulcanelli’s Dwellings of the Philosophers. This is full of revelation; but it's all presented in simple linguistic, symbol algebra. No giant pendulum swings of revelation came out of this book: I just learned to see deeper.
The third is the goldilocks, pleasant crown experience. The kind we seek to emulate in our transformation: deeper, balanced revelation.
In the card we have TORZOXI, who belongs to POP, but reflects this higher notion of PAZ being the balanced wake up call to a higher oneness with God, with light around her feet; taking in the revelatory tome.
Put the book that best represents balanced awakening in the Northeast.
The alchemical paths continue below with The Bat:
80.♇/☸The Bat; Exorcism; 🦇. Kether. Top Half of Path Between Bride and God Point on MRKBH. The top half of the Manasseh Jacinth Path between the Bride on God Point is for The Bat. The bat in bird language is the culmination of a perfectly balanced formula. In the Tree of Life this is the Crown or KATR. This looks as far as it gets from Christ consciousness; but instead of the rose colored glasses of the initiate we can look squarely, as adepts, into the maw of psychological blocks. Here you will find Thaumiel the split from God. You are looking into the cavern of the brain where Thaumiel stands between the right and left hemispheres compartmentalizing and burying parts of your being where they can be controlled. Behind him is a troll of Leviathan, the Dragon of the Deep: maintaining the passage of automatic defenses. Here you have five arches of five angles each for your Schizo, Oral, Masochistic, Psycho and Rigid Defenses and their relationships to each other. But through psychology and introspection you can get to the bat in the body. Though it looks quite fitting in an underworld environment, the alchemical bat is the divine culmination of all the weird things you need to learn to become a balanced whole person. Christ consciousness is not the experience of being stoned: it is the experience of being self-aware. Days three hundred and forty eight to three hundred and fifty two take any distraction from the present moment as a demon, or psychological block. Look for your answers on the outside world as in Path 68. Employ your Named Messenger from Path 79. Naming your demon controls it; like in psychology you want the hidden to become apparent. Find a name for what distracts your presence and path; or you can reverse the name of your messenger to give it a name.