The Path of Losing is related to the Grief card below. The man with the most mistakes wins, in terms of wisdom: through losing. NANTAL is the morphogenetic resonance of the collective human failure and the power of deep wisdom that comes from losing.
The fool that is aware he is the fool is the magician.
On the Compass of the Wise this goes with the NWbW Path
First work for the Holy Guardian Angel and MRKBH with The Grief Path Below.
The fool that is aware he is the fool is the magician.
On the Compass of the Wise this goes with the NWbW Path
First work for the Holy Guardian Angel and MRKBH with The Grief Path Below.
43 ♂🜄 Regulus Martis; Grief; 🜟; Geburah. Lower Half of Path Between God and Son Point on MRKBH. In the familiar tarot this is the Five of Cups. Our alchemist here has cleverly built his house on the black mirror of obsidian and regulus martis: fit for scrying. The lower Sardius, Judah Path, between Man and Son: is marked by also the Enochian F or Orth. The dark mirror of Regulus Martis is initiated at the GBURH point: and with it a continuing hard look at the shadow side. This is the difficult stage where what is required is feeling your loss and grief; the denial of which keeps us numb. Days one eighty six through one eighty nine make part of the ritual you have cultivated, in the Elixir of Life Path, a recognition of grief and letting go.