I think of this like an engine with gas in the chamber. An open mind will be filled.
When I think of the connotations to ‘Primed’, TORZOXI comes to mind. She is the fifth dimensional wake-up call. She is featured here inside the darkly lit ecosystem inside of the Temple of God as a Native American.
Angels have numerous avatars because more than one human soul can be caught up in the angel dynamic. In fact, it takes a minimum of six, to join together in the consciousness of a star. These are the six main components of the seraphim wings.
TORZOXI is over the crown experience: the marraige with the higher presence we seek.
In space this goes with the North East with the path available by clicking here
The first set of paths to get to the Holy Guardian Angel continue below:
When I think of the connotations to ‘Primed’, TORZOXI comes to mind. She is the fifth dimensional wake-up call. She is featured here inside the darkly lit ecosystem inside of the Temple of God as a Native American.
Angels have numerous avatars because more than one human soul can be caught up in the angel dynamic. In fact, it takes a minimum of six, to join together in the consciousness of a star. These are the six main components of the seraphim wings.
TORZOXI is over the crown experience: the marraige with the higher presence we seek.
In space this goes with the North East with the path available by clicking here
The first set of paths to get to the Holy Guardian Angel continue below:
The HGA MKRBH Adept Version:
25. 🜁♀Venusian Sublimate🜢ᛇ ; Skill. Here we have Maia revealing the hologram of existence. The Air of Venus 🜁♀, Seven of Swords, or alchemically Venusian Sublimate, have the similar symbolic meaning: mastering the hologram with skill, or in a negative sense deception; but we are walking the high path, not looking at lesser interpretations of diviners. The ideal is seeing what you want; and mastering it with skill: which is different then pretending; but does involve invoking another plane.
Eihwaz ᛇ is the World Tree, where we draw from other planes for power. Venusian sublimate AKA copper chloride can affect perceivable transformation. Calcine venusian sublimate onto iron and it will replace, at least the surface atoms, with copper. White vitriol, our White Dragon that comes later, can be used with copper to turn it into. at least looking, like gold. The appearance of gold was good enough for the Egyptians: who were more interested in the study of transformation than our concept of economic value. For four days visualize mastering the successful transformation you wish to see.
Eihwaz ᛇ is the World Tree, where we draw from other planes for power. Venusian sublimate AKA copper chloride can affect perceivable transformation. Calcine venusian sublimate onto iron and it will replace, at least the surface atoms, with copper. White vitriol, our White Dragon that comes later, can be used with copper to turn it into. at least looking, like gold. The appearance of gold was good enough for the Egyptians: who were more interested in the study of transformation than our concept of economic value. For four days visualize mastering the successful transformation you wish to see.
Air of Netzach. F for Front of the MRKBH.
the madking's alchmical version:
The mad drifter falls asleep atop a mountain and dreams of this whole world as an illusion in the hands of Maya.
Days one hundred and seven through one hundred and ten look towards the transformation that’s required to get you closer to your ideal.
Front Facing Tripartite of the God Octant of MRKBH.
Front Facing Tripartite of the God Octant of MRKBH.