The Two of Clubs/Wands goes with Neptune in Sagittarius. This is the card of creation.
Put on this card the word ‘Made’. Made is the Enochian name of God though it's spelled MAD, in those angel letters. Long vowels as the angel language had when vowels are shown for the most part.
WSOL, in the card above, is a dispensation of Christ at M41 linked to the unity of God within and externally. From this position: you are responsible for your life. You made this. You control it.
Your higher self may not be nice. However this is what you signed up for: become the creator and accept your creation.
The first set of paths to your HGA continues with Bucranium below:
Put on this card the word ‘Made’. Made is the Enochian name of God though it's spelled MAD, in those angel letters. Long vowels as the angel language had when vowels are shown for the most part.
WSOL, in the card above, is a dispensation of Christ at M41 linked to the unity of God within and externally. From this position: you are responsible for your life. You made this. You control it.
Your higher self may not be nice. However this is what you signed up for: become the creator and accept your creation.
The first set of paths to your HGA continues with Bucranium below:
69.♆🜂The Bucranium 🝎ᛞ: Discovery. Chokmah. Dagaz ᛞ Side. Tripart facing up at Sun/Daughter Point MRKBH. Here is a bizarre universe: the minotaur wearing the bull skull, or bucranium. The bizarre scene is the strange expression for the process of art symbolized by the bucranium or caput mortem. It is with the dead matter that great works of art begin. Caput mortem 🝎 is the, often brightly colored, alchemical residue after the works were done that were then given to artists. This is the resurrection after the alchemist has spent his chemicals; and the artist who revitalizes the dead ash. A bucranium or bull skull would be used in alchemical art to symbolize this caput mortem. This Dagaz ᛞ symbol signifies breakthrough. ᛞ Dag is the break of Day. Days three hundred to three hundred and four take the ash of your ordinary world and make it better. Incorporate the enterprising action from the Quicklime Path.