The Nine of Clubs/Wands goes with the thirty second week. This is the card of endurance. This is the relentless, emotional will to keep at it: ‘Drive’.
A good example of drive is ALNDVOD: Huntress of the Fire Moon: Diana archetype. ALNDVOD is ironically also connected to the Kerub Moose, she is also connected to the heavenly abode in the direction of the Southern Crown constellation.
ALNDVOD is over right desires and attachments.
Stay at what is important over this thirty second week of the year.
Alchemically related path below:
This is the HGA MRKBH Adept Deck Version:
8.Platinum☽☉ᚢ; Finalizing. Thought of as silver and gold wed, an alchemical marriage. Platinum’s durability is likened to Uruz, the endurance of the ox.
Under the Uruz is the Enochian indentation the elementally Earth ascribed JIH, which means lowercase vowel, dharma, and when all the elemental JIHs are mastered, means light. All the JIHs are the same shape rotated or flipped. The Earth JIH is the short u sound called a GXu, What this sound symbolizes is discipline and drive, just like this path overall.
For four days leave nothing you start, unfinished.
Under the Uruz is the Enochian indentation the elementally Earth ascribed JIH, which means lowercase vowel, dharma, and when all the elemental JIHs are mastered, means light. All the JIHs are the same shape rotated or flipped. The Earth JIH is the short u sound called a GXu, What this sound symbolizes is discipline and drive, just like this path overall.
For four days leave nothing you start, unfinished.
☾🜂 Fire of Yesod. A for Above the Star Tetrathedron MRKBH. The Saturn orb goes in front of the chest to show direction.
Makding's alchemical deck version
To connect to his higher nature, the hero must learn to ride his lower nature: to fly after the truth he seeks with the focus of his animal survival.
Upward Facing Tripart of Woman Octant of MRKBH.
Days thirty two through thirty five come to a finishing point in everything you start.
Days thirty two through thirty five come to a finishing point in everything you start.