The divine plan is the ultimate order in terms of nested frequencies. So really the divine plan is the wedding with God.
Below is Saturn's Tree for the continuation of the first set of paths.
Below is Saturn's Tree for the continuation of the first set of paths.
64.♛🜃Saturn’s Tree; Grounded Power; 🜪🜌🜩. Binah. Between Father Point and Man Point on MRKBH. Saturn can be seen as the kundalini, or seat of chakra power, with the metals going up the spine in reverse. Planetary Metals are in reverse order of the Tree going up the spine: first lead; second tin; third iron; fourth gold; fifth copper; sixth mercury; seventh silver. And we still have these terms in our language be it iron will or heart of gold. The alchemical symbolism of Saturn’s Tree Path is manifesting the kundalini: driving the metallic heaviest manifestation from the base chakras as if they were coins of our planetary metals. Saturn’s Tree 🜪🜌🜩 is made from vinegar and lead to make lead acetate which then is combined with zinc. Zinc in a solution of lead acetate creates your tree: like Diana’s Tree, its silvery sister. But instead of symbolizing wonder with mercury and silver this tree symbolizes concrete understanding manifest in works.
Days two hundred and seventy seven through two hundred and eighty focus on how you can manifest your ideal world, for your win from the last path, in your daily practice. And decide on how you can spread that practice, incorporating your skill from Path 60.
Days two hundred and seventy seven through two hundred and eighty focus on how you can manifest your ideal world, for your win from the last path, in your daily practice. And decide on how you can spread that practice, incorporating your skill from Path 60.