Planet-wise ahead of our week with the minor arcana, with a card that goes with Neptune Gemini. The King of Spades stands for discernment.
The spiritually strongest place of planets is in their fall or detriment, because that is when the angel comes. Just as the exaltation and ruling can be deceptive because these positions bring hubris with natural ability.
The King of Spades is discerning of that unknown, and is considered of the sephira of wisdom, which is engaging with the unknown. The key is to have a sense of truth that isn’t backed by your ego. You should be more interested in learning than being right.
To forgo your need to be right for higher truth is exactly the kind of discernment required.
What is the key to wisdom? Yielding.
Lack of understanding from ego that can prevent true wisdom. Real understanding that listens needs to be part of the ego vehicle.
The key here is ASAVL over curtailing, particularly the male ego, when coming up against consequences beyond understanding: from a butterfly effect.
The first set of paths to the HGA continues below with Goldthread:
The spiritually strongest place of planets is in their fall or detriment, because that is when the angel comes. Just as the exaltation and ruling can be deceptive because these positions bring hubris with natural ability.
The King of Spades is discerning of that unknown, and is considered of the sephira of wisdom, which is engaging with the unknown. The key is to have a sense of truth that isn’t backed by your ego. You should be more interested in learning than being right.
To forgo your need to be right for higher truth is exactly the kind of discernment required.
What is the key to wisdom? Yielding.
Lack of understanding from ego that can prevent true wisdom. Real understanding that listens needs to be part of the ego vehicle.
The key here is ASAVL over curtailing, particularly the male ego, when coming up against consequences beyond understanding: from a butterfly effect.
The first set of paths to the HGA continues below with Goldthread:
75.♔🜁 Goldthread; Discernment; 🜹🜔🜶Chokmah. The Lower Half of the Path Between God and Man Point on MRKBH. The Chinese goldthread triggers a liver reaction to separate out toxins. The liver is the alchemist of the body. In Chinese goldthread is also called huang lian. The key ingredient here is berberine as an ammonia salt alkaloid 🜹🜔🜶. This is the discernment in the body: the filtering liver triggered by the goldthread stimulation. And it's discernible that we need to complete our triple crown. Our triple crown is finished here with silver. And the crown of KSD is CHKMH, wisdom. This is the crown given by the Father. The bearer of the triple crown rules over himself; meaning he has power over the ego. And the ego is the false king. Days three hundred and twenty five through three hundred and twenty eight note when your ego is in your way, flex your discernment powers.
Our hero having joined with the angel fights his childhood fear of stupid musicals. However, in the process of doing so it awakens his discernment for the meaning his life requires.