ORGANL goes with our Jack of Spades and is tethered here to the Taurian trump path of the Hierophant which means, alchemically, conjunction, or marriage.
This is our alchemical wedding of the conjunction path is where we can put our literal wedding accouterments or what represents the greater wedding of the spirit. This goes in the SbW. Put SbW on your Jack of Spades.
If you have no betrothed, symbolize your marriage to the opposing divine principle: God as the bridegroom or Lady Wisdom as the bride. That will suffice.
Aether ASP [AySap] is like the matrix loading place of white light: where all maps and teachings can be displayed. It is in the fundamental relationship of oneness where the marriage that the deeper truths of all can be examined. This pivotal place of download is a core relationship to spiritual work; but this spiritual work must be applied. Kabbalists traditionally say the secret teaching requires marriage and an age of forty. At forty, married: spirituality cannot be an escape. Spirituality has to be about your role to your partner and to the world at large.
The Householder is the high role of enlightenment: because it is entrenched in the real work of the common world.
I have marriage paraphernalia in the SbW: a reminder of the true work and path that becomes extraordinary in the ordinary.
The first set of paths to the HGA continue below with The Rooster:
This is our alchemical wedding of the conjunction path is where we can put our literal wedding accouterments or what represents the greater wedding of the spirit. This goes in the SbW. Put SbW on your Jack of Spades.
If you have no betrothed, symbolize your marriage to the opposing divine principle: God as the bridegroom or Lady Wisdom as the bride. That will suffice.
Aether ASP [AySap] is like the matrix loading place of white light: where all maps and teachings can be displayed. It is in the fundamental relationship of oneness where the marriage that the deeper truths of all can be examined. This pivotal place of download is a core relationship to spiritual work; but this spiritual work must be applied. Kabbalists traditionally say the secret teaching requires marriage and an age of forty. At forty, married: spirituality cannot be an escape. Spirituality has to be about your role to your partner and to the world at large.
The Householder is the high role of enlightenment: because it is entrenched in the real work of the common world.
I have marriage paraphernalia in the SbW: a reminder of the true work and path that becomes extraordinary in the ordinary.
The first set of paths to the HGA continue below with The Rooster:
65.♉The Rooster; Hierophant; ו🐓. Vav. Between God and Father/Husband Octant on MRKBH. Here our righteous crew of the East Indian Tea Company commissioned French led Dutch Zutydorp unloads supplies back to the Indigenous New Zealanders instead of simply ravaging their resources. This takes a conjunction of human will to see a different people as equal to them. And conjunction is what their Gaelic rooster flag painted on the side of the boat symbolizes in the alchemist's bird language. On the Tree of Life this is the Hierophant which goes with the Vav Path between the sephira ChSD, that goes with Jupiter, and ChKMH, that goes with Neptune. And conjunction is symbolized by Taurus, which also goes with Vav. Days two hundred and eight one through two hundred and eighty four marry your continuing work on your Furnace of Secrets Project into a medium of further expression. As you are pulled away by others, also incorporate them into what you are doing.