SAKPYH will slumber next to your soul in unconsciousness; gently guiding you to purify your being and come to the natural practice of connecting to the holy. And in time itself, through stumbling, the labyrinth will be yours to know.
This is my secret. I am willful, argumentative and given to choosing the wrong direction. I am connected, through the endless stubborn souls, to the Earth of knowingness of the struggle of being. I can feel the eternity of souls stumbling, like myself. And I gain wisdom from this.
I can feel us all.
Because I always take the longest route.
And I have gained the wisdom of ‘Time’. Know your ascension is inevitable, and that you have time for peace.
And you need the beneficence of time: because that is the definition of grace.
SAKPYH is like an accompaniment on a plane that is going to crash. You had the good data told to you before the plane took flight; but you didn’t listen. So she is going to hang out with you while you keep crashing in the plane: until the presence of time in this loop gets you to do what you’re supposed to do.
And that’s why I have her on this plane, next to you; keeping company.
You will master this plane. I guarantee it.
The direction that goes with this time period is on The Cleanse Path
Aqua Regia, in the first set of paths for the Holy Guardian Angel, below:
This is my HGA MRKBH Adept Version
he English E is for Empty and Electric: power dynamics. Aqua Regia, the Green Lion, is the powerful substance to refine the most nobility of gold.
The Aqua Regia symbol is a downward triangle with andR coming out of the golden mist.
Gold is symbolically the spiritual ideal.
For four days, refine your daily experience to manifest the ideal more.
The Aqua Regia symbol is a downward triangle with andR coming out of the golden mist.
Gold is symbolically the spiritual ideal.
For four days, refine your daily experience to manifest the ideal more.
This is the fiery water, or cups card, at the base of the Tree of Life.
The B is for Back which is the perspective we have of our Star tetrahedron MRKBH.
The B is for Back which is the perspective we have of our Star tetrahedron MRKBH.
3.🜨🜄 Aqua Regia🜆; Right Praxis. Also Malkuth on Tree of Life. Between the Daughter to Woman Carnelian Path, and the God to Bride Jacinth Path on MRKBH.
Below the Madking's Alchemical Deck
The hero witnesses the space chase between enemy forces .
The red ship represents gold trichloride and the yellow ship gold is reduced back to its normal state. This cycle of purification is done with aqua regia. The purple rings they head towards are purple for purity: the reaction of Purple of Cassius as the test for gold. The green is likened to the Sun-drinking plant. Its nitric acid component is green: so aqua regia the green lion by color as well as principle. Days ten through thirteen what daily process of purification refines the gold in you?
The red ship represents gold trichloride and the yellow ship gold is reduced back to its normal state. This cycle of purification is done with aqua regia. The purple rings they head towards are purple for purity: the reaction of Purple of Cassius as the test for gold. The green is likened to the Sun-drinking plant. Its nitric acid component is green: so aqua regia the green lion by color as well as principle. Days ten through thirteen what daily process of purification refines the gold in you?