The King of Wands or Clubs goes with the twenty-seventh week when we rearrange the paths to fit their natural cycle in the year, as opposed to direct ascent of the Tree of Life. This is the right place for BOmLN, Angel of the Secret Chiefs: inception moments when God and his host enter common reality. This week has a harmonic of Neptune Leo in the solar year: for the grand, spiritual adventure.
What is a good word for this moment? It's a surreal happening where God shows himself in a moment that changes you. It is a moment that your soul is touched.
To see how this path works for the seven days of the week, click here
To go the other paths in time and go back to the entry page to the orange table of weeks in the middle of the page click here
To get this Time Temple Compass Deck, with tools to mark out sacred space, time, and the 144k angels, click here
This path aligns with the Spirits of Hartshorn below in the alchemical paths aligned with the direct ascent of the Tree of Life:
What is a good word for this moment? It's a surreal happening where God shows himself in a moment that changes you. It is a moment that your soul is touched.
To see how this path works for the seven days of the week, click here
To go the other paths in time and go back to the entry page to the orange table of weeks in the middle of the page click here
To get this Time Temple Compass Deck, with tools to mark out sacred space, time, and the 144k angels, click here
This path aligns with the Spirits of Hartshorn below in the alchemical paths aligned with the direct ascent of the Tree of Life:
The mad drifter awakens startled by a dream of ultimate truths.
73. ♔🜂Spirits of Hartshorn;🜹The Secret Chiefs⚩Chokmah. Back Half Between the Woman and Father Point on MRKBH. In the familiar tarot this path correlates to the King of Wands. The alchemical King is often the ego to conquer. Sal ammoniac 🜹 is the wake up call. Specifically the wake up call after drowning in unconsciousness, making the first section of the triple crown, iron: ruled by Mars which rules Aries; the fire of fire being both elemental fire and cardinal which is fire. Ammonia with hart’s (deer) horn or hoof creates an ammonia gas reaction that forces the breath. You can save a deer by collecting sal-ammoniac from sublimated deposits around volcanic vents. This path also goes with the Enochian Med which is the strange L looking glyph for the sound ‘O’ which stands for service. Days three hundred and seventeen to three hundred and twenty look for secret teachings, symbolism and magical moments. Like Path 69, look at your ordinary world anew.
To start this path to climb the Tree of Life, unite the Star Tetrahedron MRKBH, and discover your Holy Guardian Angel: go to the base of the entry page to the multicolored, numbered paths here
To get this Madking's Alchemical Deck click here