:This is the place of the Ace of Spades/Swords: the Philosopher's Stone as the crown chakra ignited in the mind, that can move beyond the veil.
In the second cycle of time, after reaching the Holy Guardian Angel, this time goes with the forty third week. This card goes with Uranus Scorpio. This puts the ruler of fixed air in its exalted position of the House of Pluto which goes with the crown. And this is an acumen that knows no bounds.
Planetary movements sound tunes of the universal soul. Birth charts and times are secondary to the universal symbolism that the universal soul can use to approach the wisdom in each position of each planet.
For God is seen as personal and outside of time; which is why God has twenty four elders for hours and YHShUH has twelve apostles for houses. God is personal, and transtemporal, and within us.
AONH represents the purpose of this drive of the exalted, unified, mind in the heart, of which Uranus Scorpio in kind signifies. This drive is shown by Works.
This connects path connects on the Compass of the Wise with the NWbW and The Path of Pain
First path for the HGA and building MRKBH continued below with The Chameleon:
83.☸🜁The Chameleon; Philosopher’s Stone; 🝋ᚺ. Kether. Upward Facing Tripart of Father/Husband Octant on MRKBH. In our alchemist’s cottage the chameleon is by the red powder ascribed to the philosopher’s stone. The philosopher's stone is the child of the red king and white queen and symbolically the integrated self. The Egyptian called this integrated self the intelligence of the heart. What that integrated self means is experiencing reality directly without ego distortion. The great charge is to accept responsibility for what comes into your hands. Make this responsibility and the MRKBH your sole meditation for days three hundred sixty through three hundred and sixty two. How does this path relate to that of your angel? Note when your ego gets in the way.