SAVAH over the butterfly effect is joined with the Strength Path. Here we can also put LEA which is the aether with a glimpse at the eternity beyond.
Heaven has a theme that will stay with you. Mark on the Four of Clubs ‘Theme’.
As I am mad ethis card, with the seraph of the butterfly effect, I was informed that my childhood epic friend, Maggie Porter, is being buried with a butterfly plaque.
The synchronicities with her could not be more constant.
The spirit has a way of touching you beyond time and space, letting you know. Synchronicities galore are one of those ways.
Maggie has been DJing timespace tracks; ones that I have tuned into now that I can let grief flow through me instead of getting caught in numbness.
I hope her family can feel her presence too; through their grief.
And here is that theme: time space tracks play from beyond this dimension. Droning like a sitar open string are certain themes that carry you through your spiritual journey because they aren’t coming from a peer walking the path; they are coming from your higher self, and company, who can see the whole track, birth to death.
I continue to find that these core angels are tether points while going through stages of transition. I see Maggie with a variety of these points in her afterlife adventure.
Anyway, through these forces she explains joy and the sacred are under your control and go with the Tree of Life already. Love is a sweet spot that turns the greater engine of being.
But there are dark themes that can carry your relationship to that immortal spirit. And it's good not to put a positive spin on everything like the flakes. The fullness of being brings a fuller power.
Nonetheless, joy is an act of will, and a necessary spiritual power: which has been a constant theme since the beginning of my spiritual journey.
In WSW I started the pathwork when I started mapping the journey with angels: before I understood the Enochian towers, the tarot and the Tree of Life. I made small paintings. I made a hundred of those and a thousand amulets fleshing out the understanding I have now.
That first painting has the same phrase in the corner that I heard in the beginning of my spiritual journey with shamanism; reflected in the angel journey beginning which is that fun is a discipline.
Not only does that joy matter to pluck for the path; but you need to be playfully serious and seriously playful. You need to not take yourself too seriously to be able to transform your ego. You need to not be too attached to your belief system to learn. So the phrase which I heard first and continues to be a theme is that: “fun is an important discipline”.
This continues to come through various messengers from beyond time as a greater idea my spirit needs. I cannot get stuck emotionally or intellectually in a way that halts transformation; and the key to my flow is my ability to make a joke and try a different angle.
I need to know this discipline to complete my path, being a passionate person who can get stuck in a loop. The necessity of this teaching is why it is echoing from a fifth dimensional space. I have noticed this about many of the angels interjecting into this plane of reality. Generally when they interject it with a permanent change, because they are not ghosts floating above our plane. They are outside of the field of time space even though the star bodies shine down into it.
My wife is diagnosed, while I made this card, with a brain tumor. This is not the end of the world; but a reminder that this world will end.
Note the themes in your life. And with all paths note good and bad: noting your whole heart. It is not life that is painful; but resistance to emotions that drains.
A dark theme replaying is that my ultimate job is as a fifth order angel meaning part of death’s transition. Death is always looking at me; and I am always looking back. One of my initial memories is watching my grandfather on his deathbed. And I have had a statistically imbalanced share of death in my life, very close, since then.
If I pay attention to the nice platitude of the necessity of fun in avoidance of the role and relationship I have with death: then I walk the path of the spiritual flake.
The angel sword is described to me as the whole proverbial heart. Your power comes from the fullness of being. Let the Theme Path also remind you of seeing the uncomfortable themes as well.
All life themes are important.
RX-KLA, another angel, says the key theme to hold on to now: is that death is birth.
However to reiterate my general suicide PSA: the capacity for self-transformation is much greater in life, faster.
Whereas you translate death quite fast as well, it's to create a stable state for the soul. After this permanence in a different state of being is actuated, the process of change is on a much longer timescale: because you are no longer in the land of precarious balances where choice is so possible, but one of a more singular frequency.
In the spirit, the change of frequency comes from critical mass, which is a slower process.
To squander that opportunity of the complete freedom of will on an early exit, while understandable, is self-sabotage.
If you’re ready to die, you are ready to change. Start with a top ten bucket-list. That’s really all you need to do. The process of last stands will addict you back into life.
The related alchemical path is below with the black background:
Heaven has a theme that will stay with you. Mark on the Four of Clubs ‘Theme’.
As I am mad ethis card, with the seraph of the butterfly effect, I was informed that my childhood epic friend, Maggie Porter, is being buried with a butterfly plaque.
The synchronicities with her could not be more constant.
The spirit has a way of touching you beyond time and space, letting you know. Synchronicities galore are one of those ways.
Maggie has been DJing timespace tracks; ones that I have tuned into now that I can let grief flow through me instead of getting caught in numbness.
I hope her family can feel her presence too; through their grief.
And here is that theme: time space tracks play from beyond this dimension. Droning like a sitar open string are certain themes that carry you through your spiritual journey because they aren’t coming from a peer walking the path; they are coming from your higher self, and company, who can see the whole track, birth to death.
I continue to find that these core angels are tether points while going through stages of transition. I see Maggie with a variety of these points in her afterlife adventure.
Anyway, through these forces she explains joy and the sacred are under your control and go with the Tree of Life already. Love is a sweet spot that turns the greater engine of being.
But there are dark themes that can carry your relationship to that immortal spirit. And it's good not to put a positive spin on everything like the flakes. The fullness of being brings a fuller power.
Nonetheless, joy is an act of will, and a necessary spiritual power: which has been a constant theme since the beginning of my spiritual journey.
In WSW I started the pathwork when I started mapping the journey with angels: before I understood the Enochian towers, the tarot and the Tree of Life. I made small paintings. I made a hundred of those and a thousand amulets fleshing out the understanding I have now.
That first painting has the same phrase in the corner that I heard in the beginning of my spiritual journey with shamanism; reflected in the angel journey beginning which is that fun is a discipline.
Not only does that joy matter to pluck for the path; but you need to be playfully serious and seriously playful. You need to not take yourself too seriously to be able to transform your ego. You need to not be too attached to your belief system to learn. So the phrase which I heard first and continues to be a theme is that: “fun is an important discipline”.
This continues to come through various messengers from beyond time as a greater idea my spirit needs. I cannot get stuck emotionally or intellectually in a way that halts transformation; and the key to my flow is my ability to make a joke and try a different angle.
I need to know this discipline to complete my path, being a passionate person who can get stuck in a loop. The necessity of this teaching is why it is echoing from a fifth dimensional space. I have noticed this about many of the angels interjecting into this plane of reality. Generally when they interject it with a permanent change, because they are not ghosts floating above our plane. They are outside of the field of time space even though the star bodies shine down into it.
My wife is diagnosed, while I made this card, with a brain tumor. This is not the end of the world; but a reminder that this world will end.
Note the themes in your life. And with all paths note good and bad: noting your whole heart. It is not life that is painful; but resistance to emotions that drains.
A dark theme replaying is that my ultimate job is as a fifth order angel meaning part of death’s transition. Death is always looking at me; and I am always looking back. One of my initial memories is watching my grandfather on his deathbed. And I have had a statistically imbalanced share of death in my life, very close, since then.
If I pay attention to the nice platitude of the necessity of fun in avoidance of the role and relationship I have with death: then I walk the path of the spiritual flake.
The angel sword is described to me as the whole proverbial heart. Your power comes from the fullness of being. Let the Theme Path also remind you of seeing the uncomfortable themes as well.
All life themes are important.
RX-KLA, another angel, says the key theme to hold on to now: is that death is birth.
However to reiterate my general suicide PSA: the capacity for self-transformation is much greater in life, faster.
Whereas you translate death quite fast as well, it's to create a stable state for the soul. After this permanence in a different state of being is actuated, the process of change is on a much longer timescale: because you are no longer in the land of precarious balances where choice is so possible, but one of a more singular frequency.
In the spirit, the change of frequency comes from critical mass, which is a slower process.
To squander that opportunity of the complete freedom of will on an early exit, while understandable, is self-sabotage.
If you’re ready to die, you are ready to change. Start with a top ten bucket-list. That’s really all you need to do. The process of last stands will addict you back into life.
The related alchemical path is below with the black background:
48.♌⚶Swan🦢ט🝌🜭; Goose Chase. Teth Path. Upper Half of Path between Daughter and Lady Wisdom Point on MRKBH. Chasing the Swan of Enlightenment, like our hero, we find ourselves on a wild goose chase. Leo is digestion in alchemy and the Strength Path on the Tree of Life. ⚶ Vesta is here as the hearth keeper. She keeps the four fires: elemental; central; celestial and secret. In Greece the swan is the bird of Hermes; as the ibis is the bird of Thoth. In alchemy the Leo Symbol is digestion which denotes a large tub of rotting things, in which you put the serpent condenser for collecting the fermented liquid. The Teth Hebrew letter is also that of the serpent. In Egyptian Alchemy one sought the purified spirit of the swan. In pursuit of this symbolic ideal, a swan was put into a labyrinth. However failing you meet the goose as a false swan, a non-enlightenment; but you would not be able to tell the difference. Madly you would go on a wild goose chase; your end forever lost. This is why on the bas-relief of the Castle of Dampierre you will see a swan pierced with an arrow reading PROPRIIS PEREO PENNIS: the arrow fletching is the feather by which the swan is slain. But more importantly the alchemist must realize the pursuit for the truer Swan is a constant and vital idea.This Egyptian game still persists in English cathedrals as the Game of the Goose with a labyrinth of sixty three squares. Days two hundred and eight through two hundred and twelve act like an enlightened, loving being: just to see how it feels.